Ball Corporation Intro Book

Reduce your facility costs

Customer Reviews

Pictured: SorbIts ® Natural Mat


Significant cost savings compared to alternatives

Customer Quality Visitation Reports (CQVRs) help facilitate a conversation about your program. We take the comments and ratings seriously in order to measure and track how our customers value our solutions and services. Current company-wide Net Promoter Score* results: Customer Quality Visitation Reports










Customers save 15%-30% over disposable absorbents & towels by switching to reusable program. Here’s how: SorbIts ® & Ultra TM Towels last longer and absorb more than than disposable absorbents. No disposal or incineration costs. SorbIts ® & Ultra TM Towels are professionally laundered for reuse. SorbIts ® & Ultra TM Towels reduce soft labor costs. No ordering, storing, or manifesting required. Pay-by-the-drum reusable absorbent & towel programs cost 40%-60% more than our programs. Here’s why: Our cleaning standards are unmatched so you need less product to do the job. SorbIts ® & Ultra TM Towels are processed in our ISO 14001 certified facilities. We manage your inventory so you have enough product to do the job but not too much to create unnecessary cost. We do not charge by the drum. With our StraightUp! TM billing practices, there are no hidden fees. Invoices are straightforward with no surprises.

How likely are you to recommend ITU AbsorbTech to friends and colleagues? 96% said “very likely.” 96%

How likely are you to renew your service agreement with ITU AbsorbTech? 95% said “very likely.”

Jodi Environmental Engineer New Berlin, WI Jodi is available as a resource for waste stream elimination, solvent recovery and compliance questions.


Jacob Route Manager Philadephia, PA

*Net Promoter Score - a proven method companies worldwide use to measure & improve loyalty. Across industries, a 69% is considered exceptional.

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