First Aid Booklet
Eyewash Program
AED Program
Porta Stream ll Eyewash Station With 180oz Eyesaline Concentrate D700099, D700105
• Real CPR Help: Monitors and delivers real time feedback on your depth of compression during CPR to ensure you are moving blood to the brain. Independent studies have proven this will double your chances of survival over an AED that doesn’t have this technology (ZOLL holds the patent) The AED Plus ® is the only AED with Real CPR Help ® and real-time CPR feedback to help rescuers save a life. • Lowest cost of ownership and easiest to maintain: ZOLL’s pads and batteries last 5 years so you spend less money and less time changing a pad or battery compared to other AEDs. This will help ensure your AED is always ready for use. • One piece pad: Makes for easy use when attaching to a victim and monitors depth of compressions.
• Can be placed near most workplace hazards with single bracket mounting device or transported with optional universal cart or universal stand. • Large 16 gallon (60.5L) capacity permits thorough flushing by providing 0.4 gpm over the entire 15-minute flushing period required by ANSI Z358.1 • Efficient “full-flow” nozzles cover a wide area around the eyes. • Sturdy, molded construction. Porta Stream II offers versatile portability and 15-minutes of uninterrupted flushing without costly plumbing. Self-contained, each model features a nozzle strap that is easily removed to activate flushing, leaving hands free to hold eyelids open. Pure Flow 1000 Eyewash Station with Replacement Cartridges D700502, D700503 • Does not require costly plumbing. • Fluid pressure balancing system provides a constant fluid flow rate and stream height for the entire 15-minute flushing period required by ANSI Z358.1-2004. • Factory-sealed cartridges last up to 24 months, at least four times longer than other primary self-contained eyewash devices. Pure Flow 1000 delivers unequaled eyewash safety, reliability, and value. The patented system delivers purified, contaminant-free, and physiologically correct Eyesaline® solution from factory-sealed cartridges.
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