Best Management Practices – Garment Testing
This HACCP manual incorporates ITU AbsorbTech’s comprehensive Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for producing laundered garments that are Hygienically Clean1 as they leave the laundry. The result is garments that are free of pathogens (in sufficient numbers that could cause human illness)2. Although ITU AbsorbTech does not guarantee or certify that laundered garments are 100% free of pathogens, two different methods of testing are utilized under its HACCP program to ensure an acceptable level of safety and cleanliness during processing and transportation of garments: • Test Method 1 - ATP detection - Administered by ITU AbsorbTech on equipment and garments • Test Method 2 - TAMC testing – Administered by Ecolab on garments What is ATP? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an energy molecule found in all plant, animal and microbial cells. All organic matter (living or once-living) contains ATP, including food, bacteria, mold and other microorganisms. The detection of ATP on a surface therefore indicates the presence of biological matter that may not otherwise be visible to the eye. In industries where hygiene control is crucial, ATP testing is an excellent tool for detecting and measuring biological matter. About ATP Detection Systems ATP Detection Systems are used throughout the food, beverage processing and healthcare industries where rapid detection of contamination is crucial. Through a comprehensive monitoring plan, the ATP Detection System is used to test, record and track biological contamination on production and other surfaces. A key feature of the Detection System is the use of bioluminescence technology to identify and measure ATP.
comprehensive ATP detection methodology. Testing at critical control points (CCP’s) is an integral component of our hygiene monitoring plan. This ensures cleanliness of direct and indirect contact areas, including hard-to- clean sites on processing equipment and handling lines. Test results are maintained in a database for auditing purposes. In addition, a test log is maintained to document weekly testing (at random) on one garment per customer, during every laundering cycle. The customer- specific garment test readings are stored in a database and are presented to our customers on a quarterly basis, or as requested. ATP detection readings are dependent on the type of sensing technology utilized in a detection unit. Pass/ fail settings are unique to the technology and may have different scales for pass/fail. ITU AbsorbTech utilizes one of the most widely used ATP detection units in the food and beverage industries and has collaborated with the ATP detection unit manufacturer to establish the proper pass/fail thresholds for our equipment, processes and garments. TAMC Testing of Laundered Garments by Ecolab To ensure that cleanliness standards are consistently maintained, in addition to the ATP detection, each month a sample garment is randomly selected on-site by Ecolab and then laboratory tested by Ecolab for Total Aerobic Microbial Count (TAMC). Ecolab testing assures that garments meet the acceptance criterion for colony forming units (CFU) per square decimeter. The TAMC threshold of ≤ 50 CFU/dm2 is the identical acceptance criteria utilized by: 1. Textile Rental Suppliers Association (TRSA), Hygienically Clean Reusable Textiles for use in the Food and Beverage Industry (May 5, 2016); 2. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, ANSI/AAMI ST 65:2008, Processing of Reusable Surgical Textiles for Use in Health Care Facilities (2008).
ATP Testing for your Laundered Garments ITU AbsorbTech’s HACCP program includes a
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Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Process
GARM13 (01-18)
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